Getting Started with Digital Scrapbooking

If you are new to scrapbooking via the computer or are looking into using the Panstoria Artisian program, here is a great place to start.  I have been using Artisain back when it was Storybook Creator sold by  Creative Memories.  I enjoy the ease of using the program.  I have looked into a few different programs, but I have found that Artisain program is the best.  And now that the program is in the hands of Panstoria, you can load it to two computers, a laptop and a desktop, to give you all the convience and portability.

So lets get started!

1. Click on that pretty box!

Panstoria Digital Content

You should see this:
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, you should see this.

 See the red box.   FREE TRIAL.  Click there and you will get the next screen.

 Pretty easy, click on download Artisan.  and you will get this next screen.

Now for the program to work right, you need to get the right bit size.  If you read the directions, it will explain. Here are a few pictures to help.
The little circle windows thing in the bottom left corner of your screen is the start menu. click it.  
 now go to computer button where the red box is and click the right button of the mouse pad or mouse. move the curser to the properties and click it. you should get a screen similar to this.

See in the red box, it shows my bits!  now you should know what version you need. Now donload.

Now once it is downloaded, click on it to run the set up. See  it on the bottom of your screen.

now a little window will jump up asking, if you trust it.  Click yes.

now you have a free trial!


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